Autumn Seasonal Rituals

    1. A message from Kerry Hope

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before you begin ...

    1. Autumn ~ Honoring Your Heart’s Longing

    2. Autumn Reflections from Your Triple Goddess by Kerry Hope

    3. Guiding Chakra Wisdom for Autumn

    4. Seasonal Wisdom Rituals & Anchors

    5. Visualisation and Meditation Audio

    6. Practices & Journal Questions

    7. How to Create an Autumn Altar

    8. Autumn Goddess Altar Gift to Print


    2. Attend All Triple Goddess Ceremonies ~ Winter ~ Spring ~ Summer ~ Autumn

    1. More resources for you

    2. Before you go...

About This Course

  • $33.00
  • 15 lessons

Invite Goddess Energy
Into Your Life

Connect with your authentic self and learn rituals to embrace the magic and mysticism of your sacred life.

Special Gifts to the Goddess

Beautiful Guides and Wisdom to Help You on Your Path

  • Moon & Season Chart

    Follow nature's cycles and seasons! Get in tune with the moon! Download and print your free 2022-20223 Moon Chart PDF!

  • Self-Care Ritual Checklist

    Choose and craft your medicine self-care medicine rituals aligned with the seasons and your personal needs.

  • Seasonal Altar Guide & Gift

    Each season you will be encouraged to create an altar to your inner Goddess! To help with this inspiration we will provide you with a printable PDF and altar guide and image.

Energy Exchange

Be guided by your Triple Goddess! This is course guides you through the season of Winter.

Your Guide

Author & Ceremony Leader Kerry Hope

Kerry Hope (She/Her) creates healing workshops and retreats which allow participants to embody connection to Self, Nature, and Community. She is the founder of Sacred GEO Experiences, a Circle Leader through The Wild Woman Project, and facilitates Women’s Councils. Kerry leads and holds space for women to be open and authentic and process emotions in supportive, safe environments. Through her Women’s Councils, Kerry provides techniques and rituals for living healthy, connected lives within the seasons of the year and utilizes creativity for healing expression. Kerry creates an energetic, compassionate, and heart-centered space for everyone she encounters. Greeting each new day and person with optimism that she believes is the medicine for healing our world. She lives along the rural edges of the Geographical Center of Ohio with her two children, her partner, and three dogs.


  • Can I watch this course in my own time?

    Yes, this course is 100% self-guided! Watch in your own time and explore the practical wisdom for the seasons.

  • Who is this course for?

    For any person who is inspired to be in rhythm with nature.

  • Does author and guide, Kerry Hope, offer mentorship?

    Yes, please email her through her website

Summer Rituals Begin

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds


Love Notes

An Inspiration for an Aligned Life

Chris Maddox ( Founder of The Wild Woman Project)

Through her story and her very nature, Kerry inspires us to take to heart what inner guidance has to say, and stay open to life's cycles which asks us to keep evolving. Using the ancient Triple Goddess, the cycles of the Moon & Seasons, she shows us how one woman courageously recreated a life in alignment with her deepest desires and truest self. May she inspire others to do the same.

Raw & Full of Truth

Melissa Herzog (House of AUM and Wild & Awake Circle Training Creatrix )

Kerry's story highlights a real sense of vulnerability and authenticity. It's refreshing and empowering to me as a woman in my forties to read something so raw and full of truth. Bravo brave woman.

A Guide for the Healing Journey

Jasmine Astra-elle Grace (Found of Jyoti Veda and the School of Sacred Healing)

Kerry Hope, you are an inspiration. You have written a guide for the healing journey - honoring personal truth, choosing self-Love, and modeling empowerment for all women!

Equal Measure Dark & Light

Courtney S Karam

Kerry is one of the most colorful and vibrant strings within the fabric of the collective goddess warrior woman soul. Her courage and willingness to be vulnerable in writing this book shows proof that the equal measure of dark and light within us all is to be honored, treasured, learned from, and put into play within our lives. This is a guidebook to do just that.

This Book is a Blessing

Katy Tombaugh

Kerry is a wise, intuitive and loving spirit deeply committed to supporting others! She consistently creates judgement-free, safe spaces for people to connect, share, explore and feel nurtured. This book is a blessing and a natural extension of her life work and soul purpose. Highly recommend!

Honor Your Whole Self

Anna Purpero

What an incredible gift Kerry has given her readers: a story of trusting yourself, living in integrity, and honoring your whole self. I love the way it’s written; you somehow feel like you’re witnessing a story of courage and vulnerability while also sitting with her in your living room. Get this book and let Kerry’s courage and heart strengthen yours!

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